Ike & Tina Turner

Although Ike & Tina Turner had enjoyed success in the UK for years by the time they appeared at the Celebration of Life, popular chart success had eluded the duo in the States. This changed just a few months prior to the festival when their cover of Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Proud Mary" reached #4 and catapulted them to the upper echelons of American popular music.  Their success endured through the early 70s despite a notoriously turbulent marriage. Ike's drug problems and abuse ultimately led to divorce and propelled Tina to even greater heights in her solo career during the 1980s.

Die komplette Beat Club-Folge mit diesem Auftritt jetzt im iTunes Store erhältlich! http://clk.tradedoubler.com/click?p=23761&a=1842295&url=http%3A%2F%2Fitunes.apple.com%2FWebObjects%2FMZStore.woa%2Fwa%2FviewTVSeason%3Fi%3D316029988%26id%3D315985578%26s%3D143443%26uo%3D4%26partnerId%3D2003 Ein weiterer explosiver Liveauftritt von Ike & Tina Turner im Beat Club am 21.02.1971: Die Coverversion des Songs "Proud Mary" von Creedence Clearwater Revival! The song "Proud Mary" was written by John Fogerty of American roots rock band Creedence Clearwater Revival.